Significant Interest in Abortion Law Review

Significant Interest in Abortion Law Review

Media Release 20 June 2018 According to information received from the Law Commission by Family First under the Official Information Act, the Law Commission has received almost 3,500 submissions regarding the abortion law review. 58 submissions were from organisations and the remaining 3,360 were from individuals / families. “This is a very strong response given…

One in Three Pregnant Teens Keep Abortion A Secret

One in Three Pregnant Teens Keep Abortion A Secret

Media Release 20 June 2018 SELECT COMMITTEE AND ABORTION SUPERVISORY COMMITTEE MISLED PUBLIC Family First NZ says that official statistics now collected on parental notification for teenage abortions show that a third of girls aged under 16 who have an abortion don’t tell their parents. This is in complete contradiction to what the Select Committee…

Govt Pushes Abortion Over Weightier Law Commission Issues

Govt Pushes Abortion Over Weightier Law Commission Issues

Media Release 22 May 2018 Family First NZ is questioning why the government is pushing the Law Commission to consider abortion laws over far weightier issues of property relationships, trust law reforms and the use of DNA in criminal investigations. “The review of the abortion laws by the Law Commission and the very quick time…

Abortion is not ‘just a political issue’ – Make a submission today

Abortion is not ‘just a political issue’ – Make a submission today

MAKE A SUBMISSION TO THE LAW COMMISSION – TODAY! This email is sent with a sense of urgency. The Labour-led Government is reviewing the abortion laws because Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says that abortion should not be covered in the Crimes Act and that she wants, “women who want access to be able to have…

Women Need To Know Risks of Abortion – Study

Women Need To Know Risks of Abortion – Study

Media Release 23 March 2018 A research paper for health professionals which reviews international evidence to date about the relationship between abortion and the physical and mental health of women says that abortion is associated with a wide range of adverse physical and psychological outcomes, and it is essential that women are made fully aware…